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<a href="http://www.parson-jack-russell.wz.cz"><img src="http://www.parson-jack-russell.wz.cz/bannerpaleur.jpg">

CZ a SK Parson Russell neoficiální plemenné knihy

P(J)RT kennels in CZ and SK

  • Russell database (info about Parson Russell terriers in CZ and SK)
  • Paleur (our kennel - Gala z Martínkovic, Gulabin´s Gigi-Lou, Galathea Paleur, Alenka z Velfíku and Little Trouble Frazzle and others)
  • Fox Meadow´s (The Roadrunner´s Queen Siouxsie, Fox Meadow´s Adorable Witch and Fox Meadow´s Banshee)
  • z Velfíku (Finta Fň Paleur, Jack Russell Libuška, Lucy and Cecilka, scottish terrier Matylda and Cipísek and Andulka)
  • Dračí krev (Hekaté Paleur, Flora Lovely Binisi and Caucasians)
  • Lupus Johanus (Comtesa z Vitonského panství, Abel Lupus Johanus,  German Shepherd Foxinka and Malinois Bonir)
  • Cassovia Sunshine (Desiré Paleur and Black Eye Cassovia Sunshine)
  • z Údolí podkovy (English Beauty Paleur, Fantomas Paleur and German smooth pointers)
  • Dai Muratori (Anita Lupus Johanus, Fox Meadow´s Arctic Ice, Bella Mia Dai Muratori, beagle Chelsea and kelpie Breeze)
  • z Monrytu (Fox Meadow´s Blueberry, WHWT, German Shepherd a Belgian Shepherds)
  • Moravian Hope (Hopeful one Lovely Binisi and Bruno z Velfíku)
Dog´s sites P(J)RT in CZ and SK P(J)RT kennels in foreign countries Personal sites, sites of our friends


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